Fucking moron. Do us a favor, Mr Welsh, get castrated, the world doesn’t need you to breed more morons.
Fucking moron. Do us a favor, Mr Welsh, get castrated, the world doesn’t need you to breed more morons.
I love how all 8 pistons on that V8 took flight simultaneously :D !
Is that bad?
Love your screen name.
Nope. The Browns would fucked it up somehow in any and all universes.
I had a Volvo that was Satan’s spawn. The most unreliable car ever built. Fuck Volvos.
Does anybody actually go to White Sox games???
I’m the same age as him, back then I was a damn 6'3" bean pole...
Incredibly shitty.
That shit down in Cinci ain’t chili...
Nothing wrong with that. I’m the same with Volvos.
Looks like he could be related to Sean Penn.
FJ’s are ugly as fuck.
Most likely.
THIS is why we need to bring back mental hospitals...
That LT1 improves its powertrain reliability exponentially...
Well now that was a shitty thing to say...
Oh dear God no...
Carfax ain’t all its said to be... I know of an ‘09 Shelby with $23k (yes, TWENTY THREE THOUSAND!!!) in collision repairs that just happens to have a clean Carfax...