

You must be a blast at parties...

Tactical pocket lint?

She hasn’t a lick of common cents.

You have a Pinzgauer???

Don’t feel bad, I don’t get it either.

Ohio DMV denied me “6ULDV8"...

Sex toys, sir, sex toys.

Knowledge of a subject makes one “pompous”??? Since when? Jealous that someone out there actually knows something about Pontiacs???

Wrong color engine, incorrect wheels, traction bars, shitty too-high ride height, CP.

I’ve seen them in person, and no, they don’t look better in person. Awkward, ungainly, and just plain ugly. Painfully ugly. An AMC Pacer has better proportions.

And we have assholes like E.Hunter Harrison at CSX that actually want to CUT route-miles in the name of “efficiency” (code for “more $$$ for the stockholders)...

Followed by a stiff drink no doubt.

If I got hit by a bus I’d most likely do the same thing...

If they just weren’t so frigging ugly...

That’s CP if only due to its incredibly awkward styling. Were M-B’s stylists drunk?

Uh, no. Just... no. One of the most awkwardly proportioned cars ever. Talk about designed by committee...

Much better.

Gawd... is that thing UGLY! Such awkward proportions!

Also extinct in these parts.