Habit can be a pain in the ass :).
Habit can be a pain in the ass :).
You must not be taller than average, regular cab Rangers have always been too cramped for my long-legged 6'3" frame. What I would have liked is an extended cab Ranger with a long bed, that would have rocked.
Except for the fact that the name “Wildtrak” means precisely dick here in the States.
That... would be cool. Very cool.
Maybe because Ford can’t help but do a better interior that the sucky one in the Canyon/Colorado?
I may have to put a kidney up on Ebay...
Had basically the same thing happen to me in E. St. Louis. At night.
Just watched “Used Cars” last night :) .
Hmmmm... might just work.
Sounds like a solution to me.
Stop being so damn logical.
I’d love to be on that jury...
Pretty damn good idea.
Not to be pedantic (OK, I am being pedantic) but it’s “Norfolk Southern”, NOT “Norfolk And Southern”.
It’s not about the RR not giving a shit, it’s about the logistics of raising the track. You don’t just put a hump in like you can with a road, you have to start the grade much further away to keep the grade reasonable for train handling purposes.
Don’t know much about railroading I see...
Well, one could but remember the old saying, it’s more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car sl... oh, wait, that’s an FRS. Never mind.
100K miles is just broken in if you drive a Panther :) .
Yet people like you wax nostalgic over slow, poor handling deathtraps like VW Beetles...
Bingo. Who dafuq does JPhil think he is to question what other people like? I guarantee there are things he likes that would make many, if not most, of us say “DAFUQ???”...