Just because one can doesn’t mean one should...
Just because one can doesn’t mean one should...
Sadly, no. Last rights were given after the BMW was extricated.
Dint see nuffin’.
Close enough for government work.
Or maybe LNBTW... Loose Nut Behind The Wheel...
So, did she ever find the candle supply store?
My last ex-GF blew the engine up in her Explorer. When I asked he when the last oil change was done, she replied “Oil change???”...
I’d love to meet your buddy!
I highly doubt that she learned anything, spoiled teenage brats are incapable of that.
Stuck up teenage bitches are NEVER responsible...
You are one cruel bastard. I approve.
I got a well used ‘74 Pinto...
Stupid is as stupid does.
I see that mistake on Jalop all the time.
Never have had Tim Horton’s as they have yet to invade n.e. Ohio. I feel I’m missing something...
Damn... just, damn. I just can’t wrap my head around that. Wow.
Herpderp... I’m more than capable of thinking for myself, thankyouverymuch. You can’t figure out how someone can be annoyed by breaking the law? Not too bright, this one...
Fuck cancer. R.I.P.
There’s a serious lack of situational awareness going on here.
I can dig it.