Can confirm dating in DC sucks. The men and women are equally douchey, status-conscious, and stuck up.
Can confirm dating in DC sucks. The men and women are equally douchey, status-conscious, and stuck up.
She was clearly talking about this
You’ve never handled classified material. You have no clue what you’re talking about and you’re not remotely interested in learning. You’re just regurgitating Breitbart bullshit.
1) That has nothing to do with Clinton
No. That is false. You aren’t even trying to get anywhere near the facts at this point. Not all classified material is the same. Not all mediums carrying classified material are the same. And not all agencies perform the same functions with classified material.
NO, this is absolutely NOTHING like what Hillary did. Are you getting all your info from Brietbart?
I don’t know the details of this case and whether they’re accurate or not. It could very well be some entitled douche that’s upset that now he has to work with more women. The issue that I have is the hypocritical response, either assuming that this can’t possibly happen and women can’t discriminate, or that such…
So true on Affirmative Action, and they never recognize that. Though I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s dangerous. Feminism is about equality, and barriers need to be removed to women of all races, that does include white women. I see it more of a problem of hypocrisy and entitlement. They think discrimination is ok…
She also appears to be a racist that assumes men of color don’t exist. Or I guess we just don’t belong in tech and should be working the fields or something.
White women think diversity is only for white women. They‘ll happily maintain their privilege to continue oppressing people of color.
Bingo. If we’re just trading one form of discrimination for another, why change anything at all?
What the fuck is wrong with you? I’m bringing up how victims are treated and you want to start making political accusations? On top of that, you want to suggest that a male victim of a male perpetrator has an easier time of it, because you know, our society is so mature when it comes to homosexual sex.
It’s really horrible that this scum’s victim will not have the justice that she deserves, but if you think male victims of rape have it any better than women, you’re absolutely wrong. Many rape laws still don’t even account for male victims, and even many anti-rape advocates (and Jez posters) don’t believe men can be…
They’ve consistently given her a pass for it. They don’t take domestic violence seriously when it’s a woman that does it.
What does the latter have to do with sexism?
She justified it as “it’s just comedy, don’t take it so seriously.” Kinda like Donald Trump.
These are the kinds of threats that authoritarian leaders in other countries make all the time, and we would call them out on it. This fundamentally undermines the 1st amendment. Looks like more reason to continue breaking out those pocket Constitutions.
I volunteer to be Katy’s secret service protection.