You might be surprised at how many straight up sociopathic assholes work for charities (and churches and hospitals, etc).
You might be surprised at how many straight up sociopathic assholes work for charities (and churches and hospitals, etc).
The Flag Smasher storyline is sloppy because originally it was about a virus, but Covid-19 happened so they scrapped it and worked with what they already had shot. They made it into a refugee story that didn’t really hit right.
NASCAR Jacket!
totally amoral Caucasian person right there. horrible person. Working at a food bank, of all places? Was she holding back food from black people in line? “No, we’re out of cereal!” (tosses NASCAR jacket over crate..)
Maybe it was the haircut, but goddamn was Fred an asshole in that show. The whole reason that made him cool in the original show was him being a typical blonde College QB looking white boy who actually had a nice personality.
Buzzcut Fred was not it, hated him.
On to the real topic though, I think at this point…
It should come as no surprise to anyone that the video resulted in the woman losing her job at the Chesterfield Food Bank.
I was hyped seeing it; it’s not perfect, but for a first attempt (and designed by Wakanda, presumably) I’ll fuckin’ take it. I’m sure we’ll see a new and improved version next time he’s on screen.
“it just had to be a red herring”
I’ll just quick-hit my takes for right now:
I was gonna say Viper, but I am more excited by the Sienna.
for 8 weeks until the judge over turns it because we still live in the hell universe.
Chauvin waived his Blakely rightss to have the jury evaluate if there are aggravating circumstances so the judge will be doing that in the near future. I served on a jury in Hennepin County a little over a decade ago where we found the defendant guilty of aggravated robbery. After rendering the verdict the judge then…
I’ll be over here...tempering myself until we see how much time the sympathetic judge gives him. Then how much time he actually serves and what best facility he’s placed in. And finally how many technical aspects of the case were intentionally failed to allow a successful appeal and reduced sentence (or retrial).
That’s because the system does its utmost to weed out the actual good cops. They’re the ones who get fired, while the bad ones get protected.
Toledo broke my heart. He put his hands up, complied like he was told, and was murdered in cold fucking blood.
I mostly remember people being enraged at Jackson but less so with Timberlake. Is that possible? Am I mis-remembering that? Because that sounds insane. But I still think of it as “the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction” rather than “the Justin Timberlake wardrobe malfunction.” It feels very much more associated with…
You hit the nail on the head-now when someone pleads cancel culture they are telling on themselves as much as someone hanging a confederate flag.
“I just don’t understand how people can be so devoid of empathy these days.”
Great piece.
god damn.