Elon's Musk

74 years old, and a car guy. Bought probably 50 probably 40 of them new. Got beaten up on almost every one, but one time I won, big time. 92 at Diehl Ford, Bellingham, WA. They had a T-Bird I wanted bad. Sport model, turquoise with a couple stripes along the bottom, actual V-8, (not the Super Coupe), loaded up. We

Never been detained (I certainly have dealership horror stories), but I mostly wanted to comment that reading some of these stories has raised my blood pressure and initiated my fight or flight response.

I had a dealer not give me my car keys back once. It really pissed me off and they unsold the car because they were total dicks.

I’ve purchased six cars from dealerships. I haven’t been detained once. I did have to wait the first time because it takes then for-effing-EVER to process paperwork, but after that I learned my lesson. The next five times I told them to have the paperwork ready when I got there and made sure they already had copies of

On the subject of Joe Biden, I am of two minds:

Now playing

First, this made me wheezelaugh: “Somewhere Ruth Bader Ginsburg is looking down at this and saying:

Now playing

I always post this when someone brings up something being metal.

im just here so i dont get fined.

Yeah I didn’t see where her statement about protection included monuments to white supremacy but perhaps that’s under “miscellaneous duties” and “cooning with a badge”

Anyone else read this in their best Obama voice? :-)

Not vying for the contest, but the Ouija story brought back my own Oujia memories...

It’s the moooooooost wonderful tiiiiiiiiiime of the year! Thanks for your stories everyone. I’m spooked! 

“We’ve traced the call, it’s coming from inside the dealership!”

Ok, but Humbolt is full of weirdos. Maybe he was just trying to get to Ashland for the Shakespeare festival? That would explain the sword. 

That assumes that they want better for themselves and not just worse for others. That sort of pathology is usually present in all forms of bigotry and prejudice. You don’t want to end the oppression you’re in, just escape it.

this is art


Aww! That’s a lovely story! I have a dog story too. When I was a kid, we had a spaniel. He was called sparky, and he was very protective of me, I guess because I am disabled and and only child. It was just him and me for most of my childhood. He died when I was 20, he had cancer so had to be pts. I was heartbroken...

Our pet dog passed away unexpectedly late last year. We grieved and were despondent for months. It literally felt like there was a gray pall over us.