Elon's Musk

Leaked action figure packaging has our first look at Kro, the villain of The Eternals described as a“harbinger for a larger threat” in the MCU.

How about Hugh Jackman as Wolverine?

That looked better than I thought it would. Im actually interested. Though I still give it a season before they cancel it like all the other Marvel TV shows that arent on Disney+

Me when I finally get to see Black Widow

I think we need to call the plastic ones “Florida Jaeger Bombs” or “Derp Grenades” or something that more accurately describes the level of moronic intoxication of their assemblers.

You guys catch Covington’s last fight, when Kamaru Usman broke his jaw? Beautiful stuff. #MakeMyJawStraightAgain

Binned it in the great downsizing of 2019, along with a few hundred blank CDs and DVDs of various formats.

As a Spurs fan who at separate times has absolutely hated and loved Robert Horry, I'm a little surprised that he isn't seen in the background of some photos of historical events, like in the background when Reagan was shot or some shit.

The clear housing isn’t really an aesthetic choice, but they don’t want to talk about the real reason when they’re trying to sell it to the public. The clear housing is required to gift it to someone in a US prison, which at the present time is a huge share of the market for prerecorded music. If you’re going to

Meh, as long as they wear them when they’re around other people, I don’t really care if they wear them in the car as well. Not doing any good, but also not doing any harm.

This was such a sweet homage. I wish I had had an Auntie!!
(I was an only child and my mom was an abandoned newborn.) 
I had no children of my own but am pleased as anything to be known as
Auntie V” to many other people’s kids and grandkids..and a few adults as well. Tis an honor!

Kemp looks like he’d be the kind of cuck who’d offer his lovely wife Marty to Mike if he’d help him with his POC “problems”.

That point number 3 is so, so vital. This isn’t about fixing a blind spot in the rules, or addressing a novel situation, or clarifying a commitment to fairness. It’s about stomping on the fingers of a Black woman who was trying to hold too much gold for these assholes.

1) Caster Semenya is a woman.

Gore. Kerry. Hillary. Biden. ONE battle? Are you high? The reason Trump even exists as a possibility is because of Democrats continuing to lose by running centrists.

Fuck you.  Because he’s not in touch with most Democratic voters, he either 1) won’t listen to them if he wins or 2) will lose like every other piece of centrist trash the Democrats have nominated this millennium.  Either way, what’s in it for anyone that’s actually liberal?

In the south, it is considered prosecutorial misconduct to NOT find Black defendants guilty, no matter how much lying and time it takes.

Obviously you never read the Book Of The Tactical Oakleys Jesus.

I fucking hate edge pieces, you can have them all. I’m like the only person who wishes there were a magical levitation device that meant there were NO edges, only squishy half-baked goodness.

This may be your finest work yet Claire.