Elon's Musk

My 16 yr old already despises Chromebooks. 

Its like you never even heard of N.W.H.!

I had never really touched a computer or Windows till I got a job at Gateway 2000 building them in 97. 23 years later my co-worker stumbled upon a GW2K Pentium Pro, Win 95 machine in one of our departments today. They were still using it for a database that they didn’t bother to upgrade.

I prefer it to. I do split mine up, Firefox for personal and Chrome for work.

Do not worry. As soon as she does or says anything against Q, she will become part of the satanic cult.

This is the problem with the podcast landscape.
A. I would have started Wilmore’s podcast from the jump
B.Can I fit it in the rotation?

You also have to take in to consideration, who stays on the phone to take these polls?

You forgot about proudly being uneducated and proudly ignorant of any thing that happens outside of their purview.

Any regular poster has been bitten by the Kinja bug more than once.

There was am unmarked Aeron sitting in front of my local ReStore. It had not been checked in yet and just dropped off. I asked the buy it now price hoping for like $50. I walked out the door with a $13 Aeron, that I think had never been used.

All they are really looking for is some one to meet the basic, minimum needs of a child. The rest is up you. During class they brought in their all star line up of parent and they were absolutely delightful. You could tell how big their hearts were and how they relished the mentoring.

The classes go over the bad but

Name checks out.
You speak the truth and better than I could. Just my single experience has been been a absolute disaster of mishandling and mismanagement. AND this is in a city with 4.....just 4 foster kids.

Dipped my toe into fostering this past year and the whole system is fucked. While they have good intentions and its better than it was 10 yrs ago. There is a serious shortage of foster parents. If you think you have the heart for it, try it. No one will hold it against you if you find its not for you.

Well Luther is english so I am putting my money on Rowan Atkinson.

This is free content, ignore the ads and let them make a little money.

Been to both, not a lot of differences.

Wholesome thievery.

Wholesome thievery.

I am surprised this didn’t come up but Liberty is located in Lynchburg. And yes its racist AF there. 

I <3 citations.