Elon's Musk

You read a lot into my few words
Its more upfront cost to train a new officer vs hiring a pre-trained (fired) one. Pay roll and lawsuit pay outs are two different piles of money that are handled by two separate parts of the department.

Rotten apples are cheaper than fresh ones, and departments are willing to put the

Thats a deferred cost.

Live in one of those parts and the local FB groups can’t stop seething with hate about Northam and every move he makes, even if it benefits them.

They don’t have to pay for them to go through the academy.

Was not a fan of Pac at the time but this was an undeniable banger.

I bought these a few weeks ago also. These are my first noise canceling headphones so I don’t have much input on that. The rest of the review is spot on. What I can say is I have a big head (Hat size 7 3/4) and they squeeze my head a little to hard. Hopefully after a little more use they will break in.   

I bought these a few weeks ago also. These are my first noise canceling headphones so I don’t have much input on

The eye-surgeon making me eye roll. Everyone is a realestate expert.

I have been off of this family of websites for awhile (to the fact I might be back in the grays). My first visit back and I am greeted with this news. This is A: Well deserved and B: A long time coming.


Needs more ‘Speed’ badges on it to drive home the point.

Somewhere between this and a stock one is the perfect Jimney.

My 11 Accord auto has minimal engine breaking. It did take awhile to get used to, especially coming from my manual Mustang. 

Compared to everything in that price range.

I also think its a good looking car.

Should have crushed some ramps too.

As BMW slowly becomes the Deutschland Toyota minus the reliability.

my “golf ball” of a car

You mean your speed dimples?

Socialist conspiracy!

Stupid life saving crash regulations.

Little to father-ish.