Well ‘fuck’ is a F-Bomb and I think using that word elicits a bigger response. N>F so it should get the bomb designation too.
Well ‘fuck’ is a F-Bomb and I think using that word elicits a bigger response. N>F so it should get the bomb designation too.
I am guessing he dropped the N-Bomb no less than 6 times in a row once the door closed on the car.
I do think it looks good but still a FCA product. CP
Bask in their simple glory.
Would you look at that sensible spoiler on that winning RS.
Her hands are now sore from all the high fives.
Really opens the window into his world.
I hate the term “savagery’ but I can think of no better way to describe it.
Hot Take: Carmex is garbage.
I have not watched The Wire but Luther does not get enough love. That first season was some top notch TV.
“One of the most respected names in black media” at least they started off with a complement.
Those Presidents are awesome, cheap, well taken care of and almost always fairly low mileage.
Personal freedom to also mind your own business, not your yard. Worry about what is in yours.
I am pretty sure they are insecticide resistance too. I have soaked them in a pool of it in my garage and they are never there the next day. I gave it 4 trys and then started stomping on them. They have great eye sight, so you have to get a running start.
Its like traveling to exotic locales but you learn and experience nothing.