Elon's Musk

Seems a lot of it trying to keep pace with other cars that are beyond you or your cars ability.

Something tells me that its hard not to hang the tail out in a Testaross.

Just watching that was making my eyes water.

OH Mergio, you little scamp (tussles hair). Get back to your desk and back to work. You will get to play with the cool kids one day.

Stanced with adjustable chin spoiler and stack spoilers out back.

Mullet’s gonna mullet.

I have heard him on a couple of podcasts be confrontational when it didn’t seem warranted. Most of the time he is soft spoken and his give and take is friendly and funny. If you have any experience around super drunk people its a characteristic you can see coming on. I don’t want it to hold him back, he deserves all

While this arrest was very unnecessary, I do think Hannibal has a problem with the booze.

serve and protect

“Ticket, Harass and Murder” (Not necessarily in that order)

I don’t like watching them, I haven’t watched one in a long time and I am sorry I did.

Don’t think I just didn’t send her a friend request.


I think the push back on it was the fear that it would just become a money maker. A roundabout would have been sweet but I bet it would become the most dangerous roundabout in America.  

I was really looking forward to a hula girl in a racing helmet on the dash board.

What kinda witchcraft is this?

I miss getting calls like these.

A intersection near me was once rated as the most dangerous in the country. I never paid much attention to it until the first Starbucks in the area opened on that corner. Me and my friend would sit out there drink lattes, smoke cigarettes and listen to a chorus of brakes locking up and crunching metal. They did

Good to know and of course he would...

Guys look!

Its the life of the party!