Elon's Musk

With a little formula marketing and a dash of “I was bottle fed and thats just what you do”.

Glad I am not the only one.

I am sure he is more than welcome to catch some more hands though.

He will be out in about 7 to 10 years.

Thank you.

Except they made a little money along the way, other than interviews I don’t think she has made any.


That blue and silver was the best combo.

You do not send your faithful companion to scrap, you bury them in the back yard.

Thats Bobby Kelly.

Yes, cause 95 works better now than it did 10 years ago.

Getting a Flex soon my self cause it coming into SE Va and for out family trips to Pa to see the Great Grandparents.

Few minutes???? The HOV lanes can save you hours of time in traffic. If you made $35 an hour (in DC that is easy) it could easily make you money. Its a east coast corridor and the only way in and out of DC.

I will call it now #justice for damnthisburnershitsux

Just as long as it has your user name.

Excellent work, timely and biting.

I just started it this summer and I can’t get enough of it.

Crap, Mary Fields.

I had the perfect car but I thought more horsepower would be more fun.