Elon's Musk

It looks sooooo good but since the news has been so rage inducing I have sworn off anything that I watch for pleasure that might do the same.

Very torn.

I just went and read back though them, its all “Well if the parents just....”. Seeing it though the prism of their own experience.

Naw, I read back and saw I was writing stream of conscious. I need to remember not to write when I am riled up.

I did not express my self the best here. I was addressing the grays and their “my parents did it, so can they’. Lots of the kids that go with out are from homes with substance abuse problems combined with poverty. They qualify for free lunch but are never enrolled in the program. So lets not punish the child for the

Incoming Dukes of Hazzard references.

He reminds me a lot of Larry Webster, former tech editor at C&D. Passion for tech with the ability to really break it down with out making you feel dumb.

1:30 Lunch reporting in!

The real part that they are missing is that, they think that cause their parents cared, all parents do. Some just don’t. I am not saying this is every situation but its a lot of them.

Lots of addict parents out there but lets let the kids go hungry because its their fault.

Lets not bring up foster care as the solution

Quote worthy

This and this all f-ing day long!

Gotta have that structural integrity to act like you are going to stand up.

Court Order=Repo
Display Case=Shipping container

Its just a spiced up story of the real thing.

Paul Ryan has a spine made out of Twizzlers.

Let the dog out on Sunday and they were driving down street, cutting the grass on Monday and saw them U turn down the street. I do not think my area has any Amazon direct deliveries. Closest warehouse is like 2 hrs away. 

I didn’t know the ends and outs of it, but at least for now I figured it would be in USPS best interests to keep Amazon happy.

I have ordered stuff though Prime and it came on a Sunday. The mail trucks should have a pin stripe of the Prime tape.

Remember when when the Postal Service was stopping Saturday service? I saw them out on Sunday and Labor Day.

The perfect man to match with the ‘Hot Take Racist’.

Ugh and the advice about coding is the worst. I don’t think we have a shortage of them. Trades seem to be what we have a shortage of. While you might not be able to sky rocket on the IPO of what ever start up, you can provide for your self and family.

Aren’t you Mr.Stick to my view no matter how wrong I am.