General Mayhem

135K on a GT?!?!? Your friend’s a GOD!!!


International Orgasm Day, eh? I guess that security guard at the San Diego Chargers game was celebrating a bit early, no?

SELL-eh-ka where I come from.



First gen Celicas are the best Celicas.

I prefer to think they’re just plain stupid.

In case you hadn’t notice a shit samdwich is a shit sandwich no matter which party makes it for you. There’s not a thimble’s worth of difference between a Democrat and a Republican once they get into power. I expect they won’t go up near as much with Drumph in power than they would have with Hitlery in the White

Add horseradish!

Not to mention there’s no “flow” from the center stack to the center console. It’s like one guy designed the center stack and another did the console and they weren’t allowed contact with one another. By the time they actually saw what the other had drawn up it was too late to change it...

It makes me OCD angry, and I’m not very OCD about anything, go figure.

No car is too cramped if the flesh is willing... hell, I’m 6'3" and many years back I had an ‘89 Mustang LX 5.0L coupe and... ;)

Re: 2017 Lexus LX 570... “It’s heavy as a dumpster full of sewage and not quite as attractive” You owe me a damn keyboard! Fucking CLASSIC!!! ALL THE STARS!!!

Neutral: Thinking about it but probably won’t. Unfortunately I have another increase in my monthly health ins. premium coming up (Thanks, Obama!) so that means there’s just that much less $$$ to spend on a new car/truck. Going to have to get a few more miles out of my P71. Sigh...

It’s been a long day... LOL

My mom did, and damn did it make bread nasty.

Shoot, they were predicting flying cars in the Thirties!

Amen. Let Darwin work.

Try explaining that to those “Angels on Track” dolts...