General Mayhem

“Stupid people are killing people” Better be careful, with remarks like that the PC police may give you a visit...

I think his tongue was firmly in his cheek. Could be wrong...

In reality just how often does a paper map need to be updated? Every 5 years at most should be more than sufficient, no? Roads just don’t appear overnight...

Seems to me the vast majority of Americans can’t read a map to save their lives...


Amen to THIS!! I drive a parkway to and from work every day and it has both a 5 ton load limit and a no commercial truck restriction. Several times going to and from work I’ve seen 18 wheelers driving on said road, no doubt because their stupid GPS told them it was OK to do so! I was under the impression that the GPS

Actually, shoulder harnesses became law for the 1969 model year.

I can see that.

Trust me, here in Ohio he’ll get ticketed and towed.

That looks like a load of fun!

That’s a guaranteed ticket-and-tow here in Ohio.

Less parasitic drag, perhaps?

You, sir, are nucking futs (as is your brother). Keep up the great work! Love it!

Well, as with everything in life, YMMV :) .

I saw too many Assfire come back on a hook back in my Ford dealer days, never saw a Festiva come in on one. Assfires just seemed to have too many issues, not to mention they’re just flat out fugly.

Since when is Orlando a state???

There’s a Harrison Ford in Wellington, Ohio:

That’s what happens when you get stuck in a looooooonnnnnnnggggggg traffic jam...

I LOL’d.

Something something sovereign immunity something.