General Mayhem

That’s for damn sure... O_o

I’ll bet you were damn proud of those farts, weren’t you :) ?

Because nothing of this sort ever happens in the North, amirite?!?!? Dumbass...

Nailed it.

I’d like to see a match race between this camper and a glacier. I know which one I’d put my money on...

At :14 that little car took a break and grazed on some fresh grass...

Damn straight. Indestructable little turds. Too bad its successor the Assfire was such a pile.

It’th not nithe to talk badly of thothe that thpeak with a lithp.

Happy to help.

Smart man, you deserve a star :) .

“Ruin our country”? Exagerate much?

Ouch :) .

Why is there a giant red light sabre sticking up on the left side of that fire truck?

Maybe it’s empathy for, say, his family??? *smh*

I had a Topaz for a winter beater years back, that little turd was awesome in the snow. Heavy cast iron engine and pizza-cutter skinny tires made it unstoppable.

And you made it in one piece. All the stars for you :) .

Don’t waste your breath arguing with an elitist East Coast liberal. They’re too stupid to understand that what works in New York City or Baaaaahston doesn’t work in Cedar Rapids or Opelika.

We had that happen at a dealership I worked at some years back. Came to work one Monday and found a whole line of new cars that were parked up against the fence had slid down towards the building. Great fun...


You’re hilarious, and spectacularly wrong.