General Mayhem

I would! I got stuck with a ‘74 Pinto...

What about the a/c?

Them’s fighting word, mister! If you don’t stop the Cleveland cracks I’ll make you watch the complete video footage of the Browns 2016 season!

Seems legit.

Life long Cleveland area resident here, and trust me, it DOES make our cars brown... eventually.

Nice patina.

I had a ‘73 Pinto that looked like that many, many moons ago.

Another thing we hank highly in here in the Cleveland area is car insurance. The last survey I saw had us second lowest in the nation for insurance premiums. Thank goodness the state isn’t stupid (like Michigan, for example) with that idiotic no-fault insurance garbage.

As a life long Clevelander, I concur. My DD, an ‘05 P71, is currently somewhere between 85 and 90 percent.

The Mark LT:

You’re SURE about that?!?!?

That and the ‘08-’09 Sable.

Me too. Love Cleveland, don’t love winter.


You’re mean... ;)

I’m an actual fan of old land yachts, don’t care if they were built by Chrysler, Ford, or GM. You?

Po- TAY-toe po-TAH-toe...

So what you’re saying is I’m not allowed to criticize something if I’m not capable of doing it better? You must be a Subie fanboi.

Just because YOU don’t like it doesn’t mean others don’t. Like I replied to another poster, different strokes for different folks. If we all liked the same shit the world would be a sucky boring place.

A little Round Up does wonders, too.