General Mayhem

Me! Different strokes for different folks! What cars do you like?

Way back in ‘87 I got one of those (a ‘73) cheap, it had been sitting an a Toldeo back yard for several years. What a barge... loved it! Ended up selling it because I could afford to feed it :) !

You obviously know nothing about domestics. I’ve seen plenty of 4.6L Panthers with upwards of a half million miles still piling on the miles. My current one has only 141k miles (very rough miles coutesy of the Independence OH PD) and she uses no oil between changes (5K mile intervals). Used to have a ‘91 Grand Marquis

So much This. One wonders why the engine lasted only 125k or so, hell, even the worst modern engine will go way past that mileage with the barest minimum of maintenance .

We called those “suicide knobs” when we were young, for what I hope are obvious reasons. CP tho, and not due to, er, the knob.

I live near Cleveland... brrrrr...

That officer needed a towmotor...

Ejection seat? You’re joking!

Needs popcorn.

I was thinking a Saturn, but yea, I can see that.


Using this meme a lot lately it seems...


Sounds like a boring place to me. Who would want to live somewhere where it’s 75 and sunny every single day? Oh,wait...

It may just be a Subie problem, but I just don’t trust oil that basically feels like somewhat slippery water.

I had the sound off (because work LOL) and missed that. By that much :).

I do all that with my DD and it’s not even a truck :) ... it’s a Crown Vic.

Soap... it’s what’s for dinner.

*sniff*... you’re a great dad :) !

A ‘96? Why waste the last truly good Camry on a dumb kid? Give him a shitty ‘01 with a sludged up 3.0L.