General Mayhem

That Mustang is LOL’ing.

I love Mustangs, and I love this post.

It’s obviously faked. Like the McGruder film.

My first car was in my mom’s name, and it was a ‘74 Pinto. Good times :) .

That... is fucking awesome. All the stars for you!

Is Ross Perot still a thing?

1st Gear: You Know Who’s Making America Great Again? Subaru

I think he missed the tree but not by much.

Your comment made me LOL.

The same safety standards as Comcast? That’s scary...

All the stars for you.

Comcast isn’t the number one hated corporation in America for nothing...

And more clicks.

Ah, that makes sense.

I see what you did there... and I approve :) .

I’m a born-and-bred Clevelander and a Cleveland sports fan. I LOL’d. Loudly :) .

Yet another reason to hate Meatchicken.

Mansfield. ‘Nuf said.

“they realize that Jimmy Dolan is a hapless boob”... Ahem, it’s Jimmy HASLEM, not Dolan. A Freudian slip, perchance ;) ? The Dolan brothers own the Indians  and there are many (I’m not one of them) that hate them for the Tribe’s “lack” of success, evn tho they haven’t truly sucked pond scum for years and reached the

Maybe a small box of Dunkin’ Donuts Munchkins...