General Mayhem

Seriously! And just how many donuts are you expected to cram in there?

Time for the obligatory...

No fucks given. Strip all the TDI’s!

Well, I have no doubt it’s a good car but... geez... is that thing FUGLY. I mean rolling mudfence ugly. I mean... damn!


I think I just threw up a little...

The Panther platform, of course.

Oh, yuck.

Zetecs are pretty good engines and all but I gotta go CP. Anywhoo, there’s always a better way. One Saturday maybe a month and a half ago I stopped in at my work (I work at a Lincoln dealer) and spied a clean Wasserboxer (Synchro no less!) on the alignment rack. In looking it over I spied a brand new crate Subie turbo

Plus they’ll set an airbag light after they’ve blown.

Film at eleven!

Airbags are more fun, especially seat bags. Years back I worked at a Lexus dealer and had to destroy quite a pile of warranty airbags and pretensioners. One of the bags to be destroyed happened to be mounted in a $4000.00 leather seat. That was a fun day at work :) .

Dafuq is a “beepi”? Never heard of ‘em. You want to survive in business, maybe you should, like, ADVERTISE???

Yea... no Democrat would EVER commit insurance fraud, amirite?

Only “extremely unpopular” with a certain percentage of the population, and the exact same can be said about Hillary. Hillary may have won the popular vote but that count was swayed by the huge margins she had in but a few very large metro areas (LA, NYC, and Chicago). As for the election I didn’t vote for either of

Maybe I should have added a ;) ?

Knowing ODOT... yep :) .

That... is by far the best take on Ferguson that I’ve ever read! All the stars for you!

Details, man... details! Don’t leave us hanging!

I’ve got a shitload in my cache he can have :) ...