General Mayhem


Sounds like a boring place to me. Who would want to live somewhere where it’s 75 and sunny every single day? Oh,wait...

It may just be a Subie problem, but I just don’t trust oil that basically feels like somewhat slippery water.

I had the sound off (because work LOL) and missed that. By that much :).

I do all that with my DD and it’s not even a truck :) ... it’s a Crown Vic.

Soap... it’s what’s for dinner.

*sniff*... you’re a great dad :) !

A ‘96? Why waste the last truly good Camry on a dumb kid? Give him a shitty ‘01 with a sludged up 3.0L.

That Mustang is LOL’ing.

I love Mustangs, and I love this post.

It’s obviously faked. Like the McGruder film.

My first car was in my mom’s name, and it was a ‘74 Pinto. Good times :) .

That... is fucking awesome. All the stars for you!

Is Ross Perot still a thing?

1st Gear: You Know Who’s Making America Great Again? Subaru

I think he missed the tree but not by much.

Your comment made me LOL.

The same safety standards as Comcast? That’s scary...

All the stars for you.

Comcast isn’t the number one hated corporation in America for nothing...