General Mayhem

It was kind of an inside joke :) , my P71 still has its al-you-min-e-um (in my best Jeremy Clarkson voice) driveshaft.

Nope, gots me a carbon fiber one ;) ...

Attention: If you care about whom Harrison Ford was banging 40 years ago you might just be a loser. Get a life, people.

I know a guy that foams so much at Hudson, Ohio that Google Earth has an aerial pic of his red XB...

Baseball bat, preferably an aluminum one. They make a very satisfying “DINK” when they hit bone. Especially skull.

I’m a libertarian of sorts, and I think Engineer of Awesome is full of shit. Don’t paint us all with the same brush, I don’t do that with Repubs or Dems.

Post your adress so we Jalops can get together with some airhorns at your place. At 4am.

Defining “unreasonably loud” is like defining “pornography”... one knows it when they hear it.

I drive an ‘05 P71 and I fully understand.

You know me well :) .

Unquestionably NP.

Yes, these were VERY good. Rock solid reliable. Buddy of mine had an ‘06 he mercilessly abused and neglected and got over 260k miles out of it. Now he’s driving a 2nd gen XB and it’s been just as good.

They have one in Oberlin, Ohio for all of the whiny crybaby liberals. Pretty pathetic, no?

I had an ‘85 Tempo that did 0-60 in about a week and a half. Downhill.

Very believable, those cars punch a very clean hole in the air.


Well, duh.

208km I can believe, 208mph no phookeen way. Dumb cop needs his radar recalibrated or he needs to learn how to use the mph/kmh switch.

Please tell me that’s Photoshopped... please!

“Drive an invisible car”... a car that just melts into the environment. Beige Camrys come to mind, altho there are far better choices. Such as a P71. If you drive a P71 and you’re not some pimply tatt-ed up millennial the po-po just give that little couple-of-fingers-off-the-wheel wave as you drive by. YMMV, of