General Mayhem

I’ll take Alabama over Philthidephia any day of the week. Pittsburgh, OTOH, I like. A lot. And I’m a native Clevelander!

Now that’s just silly. Where do I sign up :) ?

I noticed that, too. Makes one wonder...

At least he could have told us what *kind* of liquor it was...

Dat C600 pickup...

A thoroughly baked 505 diesel :) !

I’d be a happy old fucker if Ohio stopped using salt too. Not gonna happen, too many jobs in the salt mines below Cleveland and Lake Erie. When I was 18 I had a ‘73 Pinto that broke in half due to terminal rust. Damn car was only 8 years old!

Oh, that Saab wagon! My father had a ‘67 when I was a young’en, a two cycle 3 cylinder one. Loved riding in that little car!


Oh, do I so hate LA. My DD beater is an ‘05 P71 with terminal rocker panel cancer. Ohio winters suck...

At 6'3" I doubt if I’d even fit in that truck :) !

I’ll bet it would outrun my long gone and much unlamented ‘85 Tempo. That turd was the most gutless car I’ve ever driven, and driven some gutless ones.

Me too :) .

Yea.... sure.... whatever you say...

So much there to like but geez, just too many $$$. A reluctant CP, at $10k or so I’d NP it because of its oddness. And, well, I love oddness :) .

You have to use the proper equipment:

Yep, that damn stupid “chicken tax”! Way back in the day Datsun (yes, Datsun, as this goes back to the early Seventies LOL), Toyota, and Mazda avoided it by shipping their small trucks over minus the box which was installed after unloading at the docks. I believe Ford still ships cargo style Transit Connects from

Having also participated in garage sex I ALWAYS kill the engine.


Ouch. Take your damn star, you punning linguist!!