General Mayhem

My late father had an ‘88 Medallion wagon... what a steaming pile of fail. Especially the electrical system, things would Just Stop Working and miraculously fix themselves the next day. Fuck... I so hated that car...

Do it! You will LOVE these guys! Been addicted to Project Binky since the first episode, and I need a fix badly :) !

I’m in withdrawal... I NEED A PROJECT BINKY FIX, STAT!!!

You’re just finding out about this? Sheesh... do you live under a rock? Been watching this since the first episode, these guys are GREAT!

Looks like you were sold a bill of goods...

Seems legit.

I call BS, that BMW isn’t big enough to hold someone with balls that big... ;)

Crown Vic laughs at Ram fail...

I will never understand the mindset of those that join such organizations... smh.

I understand... I’ve tossed things that I’ve later regretted too.

Always, always, ALWAYS... let the other guy swing first!!!

Someone at Car & Driver coined that phrase many years ago, I think maybe the late great David E. Davis Jr.

Sweet justice!

You wife fucking RULES! Does she have a sister ;) ?

Can’t star this enough! I’m probably the least militant nonsmoker in the world but I fucking HATE assholes that toss their gawddamed butts out the window!

If he was in a Mercedes then how could he walk?

A working stiff with a conscience. Not a bad thing.


Ummm... that’ll buff out? Ran when parked?

CarToons!!! Oh man, forgot all about that cool mag! Thanks for bringing back some fond memories!