General Mayhem

Uhhh, no, I’m not. You are, for accepting this bullshit as “normal teenage behavior”. Fuck them, they’re never going to be worthwhile members of polite society, guaranteed. Stop being a pussy.

Who’s the U-boat commander?

Did you know that the “fact” that Pintos were firetraps was debunked years ago? It was found that the Pinto was no more of a fire hazzard after a rear-end collision than the average car of the time. That said, the wagons were certainly amongst the coolest longroofs out there IMHO.

Seems legit.


Edsel or Chevy?

The mere fact these 3 fucksticks stole these cars shows me that they were already “lost” and beyond help. Fuck ‘em and let ‘em rot.

Since when is grand theft auto “typical teen” behavior, hmmm? I must have done something wrong, when I was a teen the thought of stealing cars never crossed my mind...

My parents got me a ‘74 Pinto with a ripsnorting 85hp. At least it was a stick :) .

Absolutely, positively, no. Just... no.

No thanks, you can have it. Not interested in this “utopia” nightmare.

That shit Cinci calls chili ain’t. Wouldn’t feed that crap to a rabid raccoon.

Please don’t associate us with the home of Marge Schott.

No, it doesn’t.

What fun would that be???

I souldn’t have LOL’d, but I did. Nice job.

What about Lupurous Cancer?

You’re hired.

Well, duh.

Gonna have to play that game :) ...