General Mayhem

“But, hey, any team can have a bad century, right?”

Almost 3 generations for me... and counting. 69 years and counting, dammit. I’m 53 and hope I get to see my beloved Tribe win a Series.

Amen to THAT!

Cry me a fucking river. IDGAF about the damn Cubs, I want my Indians to win, dammit! I’m 53 goddamnit, I don’t want to die without seeing my beloved Indians win the Series. Fuck. Stop giving me the sads.

Winner winner chicken dinner! First saw that movie when I was maybe 8-9 years old (back when it was an “ABC Movie of the Week in the early ‘70s so, yea, I’m old), scared the absolute crap out of me!

//end thread.

I’VE SEEN THAT TURD!!! And unfortunately cannot unsee it...

One of my coworkers (a young one I might add) has a Caliber SRT4 with an a/m exhaust, damned thing sounds obnoxious. And agricultural.

Amen to THAT!!!

If we’re talking GMT360's (Trailblazer, Yukon, etc) probably quite a few.


You must be new here.

Meh, look in the mirror.

With much mods. A Flex just needs a flash tune and you’re done. That Caravan needs much more done to it to hit 11's.

Not all of them...

And without the stigma :) .

I have no need whatsoever for any type of SUV yet I have such a lust for the Flex. Is that bad thing?

Many years back I was driving up the Grapevine, just cruising along in my trusty Valiant when this crazy trucker in an old Pete started chasing me...

Seems legit.
