General Mayhem

Sounds like East Cleveland.

I think the dummy’s dead, Jim.

“They really should stop inventing new types of crashe”...

Ouch :) !

I LOL’d. Loudly. May your life be nothing but stars.

There was an old quarry not far from me that for years was a dumping spot for stolen cars, probably had the better part of a hundred vehicles dumped in it over the years.

You’re giving these inbreds too much credit, if brains were dynomite these two clowns couldn’t blow a fart.

Watch it, mister... don’t be diss’n “King of the Hill”!!!

You’re my kind of asshole :) !

You are an evil person. Love it!

“He didn’t steal it and he had the keys. So, I’m not sure what crime you think he committed by tear assing around in it. I certainly think he was wrong to do it. That doesn’t make it illegal” Most, if not all, states have laws regarding illegal/unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Here’s Ohio’s:

I’d have paid good money to see that! Much props to your dad!!!

He’s making shit up.

YOU DON’T JOYRIDE OTHER PEOPLE’S CARS, MKAY? YOU DON’T FUCKING DO IT! I hope like hell this tow company goes out of business over this! Is there ANYTHING you’d take a stand on? Or are you some pussified pacifist?

Seriously? You’re blaming this shit on the GOP? What a moran...

Ah, sweet justice!

That bad?

My gut’s telling me alcohol is involved in this...