General Mayhem

I like how you think :)

On what planet??? Certainly not this one...

Aren’t most geniuses utterly mad?

FWIW I have a chain wallet...

You’re a lucky guy. I’m 53 and still haven’t met “that” woman... :(

That can be said of most studies...

I don’t want anything to do with a woman that’s “like me”, I’m a 6'3" guy...

Spurs, IMHO. Thunder was the 4th best, again IMHO.

As a life-long Clevelander and Cleveland sports fan I just have one thing to say to Iguodala...

What in the everlovin’ fuck???

Distant third in my world :) .

I’m an older guy (53) and I’m building a 300+hp ‘78 Fairmont. Don’t lump me in with these losers.

The end is near...

Wet pavement and balding tires works nicely, too ;) .

And bare belly buttons. Horrors!

Wrap ‘em up in bubblewrap for a little extra protection.

Lighten up, Francis-Down-Under.

Can someone please explain the nickname Butaketsu (Pig’s butt)? That butt is ANYTHING but pig-like!

You forgot free guns, too.