General Mayhem

That deep pearly purple plays nicely with its lines :) .

You’re cool :) .

I wonder how ‘spensive it would be to bring one to Ohio...

I never really noticed that until now... sexy!!!

And... they actually made cars that DIDN’T have right outside mirrors! Horrors!

And it all comes together in such a sexy form :) . I want one.

Yea, I can see that :) .

That was the first car that came to mind :) .

The want is strong with this one...


Good answer.

I seem to come across Torx more often, and I also believe Torx fasteners exist for the sole purpose or torturing me.

Kill it with fire, please.

And we’ve got Obama wanting to bring 100k Syrians into the U.S., what could possibly go wrong?

Hardly. I just grew up and stopped playing kid’s games. I’m likely a lot older than the typical commenter here, the first video game I played was Asteroids way back in ‘77 or ‘78.

A “little”??? More like a “lot”. Grow the fuck up, people.

Well okay then... what would YOU do, smartass?

I’m an atheist and I’ve never had any murderous thoughts.

Care to place a bet?

I prefer the former.