General Mayhem

Or step in front of a bus...

If you play “Pokeman Go” and you’re an adult, you might just be a moron (in a Jeff Foxworthy voice)...

Cynicism is just one of my fine qualities...

Yea... sure. Whatever you say.

Way, WAY back in ‘79 a good friend of mine and his family were passing thru Chicago on a family vacation when some inbred little shits dropped a cinderblock off an overpass onto their car (apparently that was once a sport in ChiTown, the cars would stop and the inbreds would rob them). Fortunately the cinderblock hit

In front of a passing tank.

We no longer have institutions for these types. Thanks, Carter and Reagan!!!

Holy shit... unreal. “Too unhealthy” to stand trial? Who’s the mental midget that came up with that defense???

He’s a fucking kook, plain and simple. Idiots like him are why we need to bring back insane asylums, tho the left would go positively nuts over “violating their rights” and all that shit.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but “excusing his actions as ‘mental illness’” is a LEFTIST method., right up there with blaming guns for killing people and calling drug addicts and alcoholics “victims”. You know, instead of blaming people for their own actions.

How about a stone tablet :D ?

And strap him to the outside of said rocket :) .

That would have been justifiable homicide.

And I’ll bet he drops the soap many times :) !!!

And a new pair of shorts...

Call the owner? What, do you think the police have some magical phone book??? Are you daft?

That woman needed a major beatdown.

Here in Ohio we recently passed a Good Samaritan law that allows any citizen to do just that without any repercusions. No waiting for the police if we believe a life is in danger.

Stupidity breeds stupidity.

Or kids.