General Mayhem

Fuck you. Seriously.

Better yet, in the back of a windowless cargo van. Black, of course.

Ran when parked?

I’m an atheist and you made me LOL.

Sorry to burst your bubble but this shit happens everywhere. Even here in n.e. Ohio.

Sorry to be the one to break this to you... but your wife’s a moron. Seriously.

Fuck them, they deserved the broken window. Easy fix... don’t like broken windows? DON’T LOCK YOUR DOG AND/OR KID IN A FUCKING VEHICLE!!!

It always makes me LOL.

Painfull, too.

I’d be sharing a cell with you. I fucking hate assholes that do this shit.

Happily, no :) .

YYou obviously have never used a slim jim, because if you had you’d shut your pie hole. They’re far from the easy-peasy magical entry tool that you think they are.

Ever used one? On the vast majority of vehicles these days they’re about completely useless.

Cuz he gots the munchies???

Can’t star this enough.

Don’t get out much, do you??? That shit happens EVERYWHERE, mkay? Everywhere. Including whatever shithole state you live in, sir.

Seriously??? Damn...

Uhh, no. PEOPLE are fundamentally dangerous. A car is an inanimate

News flsh: Big trucks are incable of making sudden maneuvers. Had this clown been paying attention (novel idea, no?) he’d more than likely still be amongst us. ALWAYS work to anticipate what other drivers may do by watching them like a hawk, your life may depend on it.

Not me. I don’t have blind trust in technology.