Roger Pheuquewell

It’s her narrowed eyes: “What is that on his head?  Has he killed a badger?”

Ok, but what about the pile of shit underneath the hair? Can’t fix that.

There is nothing about this president that can ever be better.

I’d like to think the queen in that picture is thinking Who does this oaf think he is?!

For crying out loud, couldn’t he at least get it cut before the UK visit? The flipped up ends in the back look ridiculous. Also, my theory is the slicked back style was because he had to remove his baseball cap in the church and the sweatiness dissolved his gel and hairspray.  He is a stone cold loser in every way.

I still gagged and had to keep from throwing up my breakfast burrito when I saw this new look. Every picture of Dump is revolting, there’s nothing this man can do to make himself look good aside from hold a national press conference confessing he is a absolute fraud, resigning from office and walking away into

It makes him look like Eric Trump, which is the worst insult I can come up with after “It makes him look like Donald Trump” which would be a bit repetitive

you don’t have it because you keep voting for idiots and you haven’t yet shed the very wrong cold war era propaganda idea that socialism=communism=red menace dictatorship.

It’s time. Elect a socialist. Join us into modern times.

And that’s why the lady is a Trump.

As a former professor from much less prestigious institutions, I am very curious about the syllabus from Harvard’s “Business of Entertainment, Media, and Sports” course Chip and Joanna Gaines will help to instruct next semester.

I think it’s time to reassess how comfortable you feel with this friend, sometimes friendships end or shift to more acquaintance (sounds like this is happening already) - stay firm with your boundaries, don’t allow the toxic behavior and have fun with your younger guy! Sounds like friend may have gotten a little

Sorry, Jezzies, I know this sucks, but I just want to unload a bit about how much it stinks to be stuck in the grays.

I nominate my cat Shelby as the new official Grumpy Cat. Or at least Resting Bitch Face Cat.

I don’t tell anyone anything unless I know them well. Some folks I have worked with for almost 15 years. Those people I may say something to, otherwise I keep it to myself and power through or call in sick or say I am working from home when it is bad enough and don’t want to deal with anybody. I just had to go on med

RIP Grumpy Cat. I'm more of a Metallicat fan

It’s really good to know that we live in a time where college tuition is skyrocketing and bankrupting Americans, but adjunct professors are living on poverty wages with no health care and unpredictable work schedules, while the shiplap, bigoted church members get to teach university courses instead.

+1 for the Slipknot reference. And yeah, take away the theatrics and they are a truly shitty band.

I am sure Meghan McCain will use

And the Navy went along with this? They bent to the wishes of a FIVE TIME DRAFT DODGING BUM at the expense of one of their own? Shocking? No. Sickening? Fuck yes. I am sure Meghan McCain will use this opportunity to tell us what a decent man her father was but still ask you to keep his name out of your mouths. She is