
I couldn't agree with any more. My 2006 fullsize supercharged on pirelli road tires was unbelievably good off road.

This made my day! I remember your original story regarding the purchase and didn't think too much about it. I too owned a 2006 Fullsize supercharged with no warranty (big huge crazy mistake I know!!) however it never gave me any issues in the 25,000 miles I put on it.

Watch out sharknados, the warthogs are coming.

This reminds me of the E28 M5 I saw on for around 50k. I had an opportunity to buy one local that was running for $3k, hesitated and it sold ugh.

I cannot comment without being a total ass on this one.

Challenge accepted?

Needs more PEW PEW PEW

Wrong in all the right ways I think

Immediately thought of this guy

Alexander Gerst was mistaken.. this photo was taken over Chicago during the recent shootings.

So we can pinpoint some kid shining a $20 ebay laser at a plane but not an anti aircraft vehicle with 10ft missles? Oh and my vote is to fly around active war zones.

You and I have a very different opinion on what's "Fun" lol.

That's only a two minute walk?! It takes me that long to get from kitchen to couch.

I cannot wait to see the meme's created from this GIF.

Apparently you have never been to an actual outdoor concert. This would be pissed on and burned down by all the people who couldn't afford one.

Hey Gilbert I know what we can do this weekend.

The guy on the bike is an asshole.. seriously he saw the situation he was getting into and just kept going. It's extremely stubborn and hard headed to not be more cautious and get out of harms way. It's almost as if they want to get into an accident so they can point the finger at how bad you are for not watching

I just had to swing in to see if anyone gave a shit...