Well, not this model. It won’t have the speed, flight ceiling, or even, I suspect, firepower to down something like a Reaper. This is just a technology demonstrator.
How is it different? The reason I stopped playing is that the infantry combat was just didn’t suit me. Firing your blaster didn’t FEEL right, not like firing your weapons in Battlefield, or Destiny, or the (older) Calls of Duty felt right. There were too many abilities being spammed all over the place, TTK is a bit to…
What would you have them do? Remove him from the credits of the game? The fact that Notch went crazy doesn’t change the fact that he made Minecraft. Or would you rather they just drop Minecraft because they guy who created it but hasn’t been involved in it for years said stupid shit?
I wish someone would try remaking older space combat games. Elite Dangerous’s and Star Citizen’s big open worlds are all fine and well, but there’s something to be said for the mission-centric campaigns of something like Freespace or X-Wing or TIE Fighter.
I think you’ve already realized this, but shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus reactivating in the nerves of adults.
As far as I’m aware, Valve doesn’t force exclusivity in order for games to be released on their storefront.
If the Air Force does go all drone, the fighter pilots won’t be. They’ll just transition to the new way of flying, and rib new drone-jocks about not being ‘real pilots’. Also grumble about not getting to feel real g-forces anymore.
And that’s the rub. An F-14 will, at most, spend such a small amount of time within the Zero’s effective range that the Zero essentially has no chance of getting a shot off. Even if an F-14 lets a Zero slide in behind him, the F-14 can just hit the burners and climb away. Also, Tomcats are larger, bulkier aircraft. I…
Any word on issues with audio? The most reported problem is with Logitech and there was a simple workaround by turning off Logitech software. But I don’t use any Logitech audio equipment and I still had no in game audio, along with freezes every 30 seconds.
RIP Hawken :(
You also need to watch out for the foam sprayer guys, who have cloud icons. I started running in to them during the Space Center mission. Their foam sprayers will push you out of cover and lock you in place. You have to hold your interact button to break free, and while you’re doing that, you can’t shoot. They’ve…
I feel like there’s a strong association between simple, clean asthetics and simplified mechanics. I’d love a game that’s easy on the eyes like this one is, but still delivers on plenty of depth and complexity.
Needs more Titanfall proper tie-ins. Like this fan-made one: https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/comments/awm2rv/secrets_buried_under_kings_canyon/
This is, ultimately, the most glaring ommission in the Titanfall 2 campaign. There are no segments where you fight other titans without BT. Leaves you completely cold for multiplayer, and I think that’s the reason I see a lot of new pilots (likely from Apex) being the absolute easiest targets when I’m in my titan.
I’m trying to say that the first drops you get are likely to be garbage, or mediocre, because the perks each drop has are random. Like, you get a particular sniper rifle, for example, that has a decent perk (say +30% damage). Then, later one, the same sniper rifle drops, but it has an even better perk (like +50%…
If you’ve already bought the game, solution’s easy. Boycott the microtransaction store. Because THAT is what EA is counting on for the big bucks.
Weapons and such drop with random stats and perks, which can range from trash to awesome. The point is to keep grinding for Masterworks and try to get a drop with an awesome combination of perks and stats. But you can’t really do that if you’re hardly getting any Masterworks.
You’d be right if the drops in Anthem were static, but each weapon has variance in stats and random perks which can either be garbage or awesome. The point is to grind for the perfect combination of stats and perks for you.
Splinter being intellectually dishonest? WHO WOULDA THUNKIT.