Well, the Helm Memory Core is discovered only three years after 3025. That could mean an expansion with (more) gauss rifles, pulse lasers, ER weapons, streak SRM2s, and double heatsinks.
Well, the Helm Memory Core is discovered only three years after 3025. That could mean an expansion with (more) gauss rifles, pulse lasers, ER weapons, streak SRM2s, and double heatsinks.
If the robot’s a WestWorld-esque human clone, why? If I wanna bang a human, I’ll bang a human.
Hairbrained, please release a 2nd Leopard DLC for Battletech. I wanna drop more than 4 mechs at once.
Has Rami Ismail played any modern military shooter ever? You can play as OpFor against Americans in just about every one. I mean, you can even play as literal terrorists gainst US soldiers in Insurgency if you want to.
The character customization doesn’t have pink hair? This is a tragedy.
I turned off all the dynamic cameras, which seemed to help. Plus, I prefer the overhead view.
Yeah, the RNG difficulty can be a little frustrating. The game encourages you to at least try and match mission difficulty with your drop tonnage, if not exceed it.
Poopooing someone’s ability to aim while defending a character that doesn’t have to aim seems a little hypocrital, don’t you think?
A WiiU release? Seriously?
As someone who’s been flying helicopters in Battlefield and Arma for years now, the choppers in Far Cry 5 just feel wrong and strange to me. Intuitive, sure. I can get around and kill things easily.
Yes. The track record of the eradication of polio, measles, and rubella in the US, plus the eradication of smallpox worldwide really speaks for itself.
Of course they’ll be fine. Because your kids will be benefiting from herd immunity provided by the majority of people getting their kids vaccinated. But if enough brainless dipshits like you decide to believe anti-vax bullshit, we loose herd immunity.
Where’s that Bat guy who went around here defending every example of lootbox egregiousness some time ago?
I mean, they released the best Sombra skin during the summer event, so...
Oh my god they didn’t learn a goddamn thing
These Korean players are going to carry you to ANY of the wins you might get, and you’re going to make them learn a new language just to do that?
Oh hey, the updated the cover-art to have the actual in game operators in it instead of some randos.
They already did Orisa with the OR-14s from the last event. I really thinke the assassin and the heavy are two new heros that are getting previewed. Or at least, there’s the possibility of it.
There, he gave her two drinks that she insisted she drink, which she did.
Left out in this article is Kaplan reminding everyone that he isn’t a basic bitch who chases trends, unlike a certain publisher starting with K and ending with onami.