
Technically the VW thing kills people too, just slower and harder to point a finger at.

I’ll bite.

I’m going to be pedantic and say that “five times the power of a standard electric outlet” is not true, voltage is not a measure of power.

Having done lots of motorsports photography I'm really not seeing why this should take years to get. Maybe someone needs to buy him a modern camera.

One word, range. Someone trying to hit with their elbow will always lose to someone throwing punches.

There’s technically two different models of the 1st gen RX7, SA is the earlier ones and FB is the later. Most non-rotary people just call them all FBs.

I honestly have no evidence for any of this, but in other areas where I have done some research the trend seems to always be that it’s far easier to lose efficiency than gain it. So for all things being equal, I wouldn’t doubt that his statement is completely true. This stems from diminishing returns and a non-linear

Not to nitpick, but I’m pretty sure that he meant ‘IC’ not ‘1C’, as in ‘internal combustion’.

Well, when you’re dealing with anything as large as this rocket, you better be getting on things quite early. You’re not relying on pure amount of thrust to make corrections, you’re relying on small amounts of force over longer periods of time.

The 16X does not have the same outer dimensions as the 13B, it will have the same rotor and housing size when looked at from the eccentric axis but will have wider rotors and housings, increasing the overall length of the engine. Same way the 13B is longer than the 12A.

In Florida they upped the fines and penalties for a lot of the motorcycle related offenses(such as popping a wheelie or certain other things that they could construe speeding as) and also had a law passed that police were not supposed to initiate chase with motorcycles(due to two young men dying while running). This

That's the engine that the drawing above is of?

The problem with this design is the overlap created by the LP rotor during the gas transfer stage. But they do make wankel rotary superchargers... which could go on just about anything.

If you want to see the math(not just some cool facts) behind the Wankel Rotary Engine, look for a copy of Rotary Engine by Kenichi Yamamoto. It is quite math intensive, as well as combustion engine theory intensive, but has all of the information you could ever want about the design and geometry that goes into these

My name comes up before YHWH... yay statistics!