Roe v. Wade Boggs

I’m starting to get the feeling that Baylor isn’t a very good university.

Life long stick driver here: paddles give me more focus on the steering part, which I like.

I’ve owned almost exclusively manuals in my life. And they are fun. But honestly, most of the ‘save the manuals’ crowd are just driving snobs. They learned how to drive a manual, and that skill is being obsolete, so now they will be slightly less special. My current car is a DCT, and honestly, it’s just faster than a

Hot take: shifting is not driving.

There’s a non zero chance that half the Eastern playoff teams are below .500. It’s time to just eliminate conferences if one can’t be bothered to try.

Speaking with no real knowledge of this, I would think TV start times would preclude them from ever doing this. If the Wizards played the trailblazers, you’re basically eliminating half your tv market for every game. I think the talk you’re referring to was going 1-8 in the conference and not pay attention to the

How close is the NBA to just straight up record ranking for the playoffs and saying the hell with who finishes where in their own conference? Top 16 are in, regardless of east v. west.

Counterproposal: what if Danny Ainge and his staff are lying about what they offered for George and these other oh-so-close players to placate the notoriously fickle Boston fanbase? The “No one in the Eastern Conference will trade with us” narrative does seem specially tailored to appeal to the THEY HATE US CUZ THEY

All that black plastic at the rear makes it look like 911 all road.

Joe Pa was never going to be indicted because he did the bare minimum.

Think of how fucking low you have to be to let the NCAA gain the moral high ground on you.

A roach could easily find its way past a drop-in cabin air filter.

Clearly his technique of standing flatfooted, in one place while telegraphing huge, looping hooks is going to do well against one of the most technical, defensive fighters in history.

I remember (but can’t find a link) when a beauty pageant official had to apologize for saying a certain contestant should win cause “she has all the right parts”. They were shocked he would objectify her like that.

This was my thought. The guy’s comments were rude to the hostesses, perhaps to the event, and I’m not interested in excusing them.

Wait, shouldn’t the tour apologize for clinging to the sexist vestige of “podium girls?”

Wow, that’s horrible.

Messi was thinking about inviting his national teammates but decided he’d rather the wedding not end up as a huge disappointment.

When pressed, Fisher says “has 7-9 good stories he could tell about Vince. But he is working hard every day to make them more competitive.”

Late lunch is the only answer. If you leave for lunch at 1 or 2, then you have less of the day to come back to. HOW DOES EVERYONE NOT KNOW THIS?