
@drewdrawscriticism: I think youre right, right? Dude is a fuckin aspiring hipster.

@Son-of-MonsterChalk: Now your in BIG trouble! You werent supposed to talk about it! Good luck now buddy!


Not mine in the pic but same color and year. 90 Acura Integra GS. Swapped in a B16 VTEC motor. Loved that car. It was quick and fun to drive. Had to sell it for $$ to move to another state. Still miss it.

Holy shrimp!

Rob Dyrdek is awesome and so was Rob & Big. But I dont dig fantasy factory. Its real obvious now how set up everything is. I mean, at least make it look like its not. Rob & Big was the shit! Looks like Big got out in time.

Come on. 6 ft is nothing. Even in the smallest shitty apartment I ever lived in I could still get 6 ft between me and the TV. If you aint got 6 ft maybe you need to focus on bettering your living situation instead of buying a damn Kinect.

@darthvolta: Right? Thats what I'm screamin

Better than my proposal. I hid the ring in a dial soap bar box and removed the used bar from the shower. When the wife got in the shower and noticed there was no soap she asked me for some and I handed her the box. She denies to this day that her first reaction was "Oh babe! Not like this!" But now she says it was

@Don Fehlio: I like those wheels. I was mad when they changed em on the newer Tacomas

Where are the wheels?

Cocka Doodle Doooooooooooo

Wonder what the tail pipe on the left is for. Its smaller than the one on the right and doesnt have an angled cut on the end. Maybe a generator or something?