
Front looks too much like this guy. I like the rear very much though.

see you next tuesday

@Random Task: Why was she speaking with a British type accent in this?

@zhens: HAHAHAHA! Nice

I am absolutely shocked and astounded! I though Gillian Anderson was American.

@ottomaddox: I thought it was pronounced juh-lop-nick . The way Clarkson said it. Like a play off the word Jalopy. What the hell does jalopnik mean anyway?

I like it. Not as much as this though

They coated it in small pox before they sent it. Jokes on you Berry!

Looks good to me. Faster bringing up the game library and all around quicker. Cool sounds. Dont like the white boxes. I am one of the few that liked the 3d windows.

@HektikLyfe: yea I agree specially on old cars.

@HektikLyfe: Yeah but its been so long since it had many owners who didnt know it was stolen. But she gets to be the one screwed out of $. Plus the dudes rich. I understand how the law works and all but damn. Then again, maybe she was rich too. Who knows. And yes, the people she got it from should def pay her.

@Orionsaint: Accepted son!!! But yet to get prompted to dload the update. Goin on a week now....

Im pretty sure that house is slowly falling over

@rashad123us: Thats the laziest nanny ever!!! jk

Those look like some old school bmx bikes. Nice A'me grips there. Used to rock those babies myself in the 80's

"Jack thought about giving the car back to the woman who had bought it in 2001 not knowing it was stolen. She went to sell it last year and the buyer noticed the vehicle identification numbers didn't match. He called the CHP.

Looks like its for ver. 2.2 only? No love for my 2.1 Hero. weak.

Love this stuff. I use it to get rust spots off my stainless steel kitchen knife set. Its amazing