
I disagree. Not entirely, but enough that merits a comment. If you know how much you’ll be using your car for and can plan the return so that you can get as close to an empty tank as possible, then it’s occasionally worth prepaying. This is especially true since a majority of the gas stations immediately surrounding

I’m still very meh about Siddiq’s death. The bigger question now is who’s left to be village doc? Roughly no one? But that line about Eugene being a was written for Negan. Seriously. Read it again, but this time in Negan’s voice and speech patterns. Tell me that’s not Negan using Siddiq as a puppet.

This trailer did the things the first one should have done: 1) Give me more of Sonic and make me like him (bonus points for heavily showcasing the hugely improved redesign) and 2) Make me actually want to see this movie. I know so much more about the characterizations, more about the plot, and more about how it pays

I think it’s quite easy to sum up what makes these videos so fantastic. First and most importantly, it’s the characters. I come back to watch Claire and Brad’s sibling level repartee. Then I come back again to watch Brad star in his own thing while the editors inject a great sense of good natured ribbing about Brad’s

It strikes me that this is best paired with a lower-tier 4k TV. I’ve been looking around at a variety of different TVs and trying to determine how much I want to pay for built-in non-Android smart TV functions. It seems like I could save quite a bit going with a native non-smart 4k TV plus this guy and have better

I guess I’m getting the Pixel 4 then....and here I’ve very much loved my PH-1 even with the shitty camera.

I’m here for the characters, the story and the nutty gun actions. So far, I’ve gotten all of the above. The only thing that’s annoying me is the new item screen. I want the list view back and I want the ability to sort on weapon type so I can finally see which weapons have the most damage, making it easier to sell the

I don’t really have a bone to pick if you recline your seat. You’re allowed to do it. But it should be a simple two-step process if you decide to do so.

Singapore Airport has a Spiderman display in T3. In it are the Homecoming suit (not the homemade one), Stealth suit (looks AMAZING), and the Far From Home suit (the black suit classic you have above). My pictures had a ton of glare, so I won’t post them. In addition to that, they had Peter’s backpack, a bottle of web

Not all planes have this. In my experience, around 50% do, globally, actually. In addition, the button isn’t always at the back of the underside. Sometimes it’s near the front or half way back. You really have to feel around for it. Occasionally, it’s also inset into the arm itself. Glad you brought up this for the

Are those iconic, unexpected, mutants the ones on the poster that have as of yet gone unidentified? Can you identify those two (lower right corner of the movie posters) without spoiling stuff?

Oh shit! I think I’ve heard of this before and now I can see there’s a place literally around the corner that I can take advantage of! Hamburg, you’re about to get even nicer!

So one of the things that many companies tend to do with a product in development is give it a project name as the product name isn’t necessarily a given. It’s not unusual for the internal project name to become the de facto product name, so the project names tend to be as generic as possible (like Google devices

It’s nice to have a frame of reference, but ultimately, everyone has their own definition of comfortable and uncomfortable personal space. It means that, as you concluded, it’s on you, as an individual, to verbalize when someone has made you feel uncomfortable.

I’m a white dude named Jake and I approve this message!

My thoughts went roughly like this at the end:

Maybe it’s just me, but the fact that there’s so many twitter statements makes me cry. Threaded tweets are so painful to look at and read through.

This is actually really exciting, and not negatively so, for SO many reasons.

Who are the two characters in the bottom right of the poster? They haven’t been seen in the trailers and the character designs aren’t ringing any bells...