
3 minutes 5 seconds. Proper Subaru WRC style.

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I‘ve tried to avoid the already upload IOMTT & track videos, and gone for some home made footage, with this crazy man! (shame its sticks at 299 though)

Soo, last month you ripped into our old Land Rovers, and now you’re takin the piss out of our climate! Have you really got something against us? Good job some of us have sense of humour! (That and you're not that far wrong)

The new Top Gear was never going to be an instant success, just too many people on the ‘love Clarkson’ band wagon, that are not gonna give the show a chance. They would of been shot down for making the show the same as before, so they had to try something different, but we humans just don’t like change.

Err, shouldn’t there be a warning about the massive engine porn on display here?!