
Superior Donuts has a ridiculously overqualified cast for a bland CBS sitcom.

Considering Sayles' roots are in exploitation films, it's not as outrageous as it sounds.

Things are so awful, I'd vote for fucking Dr Phil if it meant getting the current idiot out of office.

So much this. I was in Florida visiting my dad while the NLCS between the Cubs and Dodgers was underway. Neither of us are Cubs fans - I live and die with the Tigers, he's shacked up with the Rays since he's retired to FLA, But hanging out with my dad, drinking a few beers, and watching him cackle with glee while

Turk's audition to join the air band with the Janitor, Ted and Delivery Guy has always been my favorite bit on Scrubs.

Sad to see the first kid is having such a rough life. "Sensitive wrists" is just as big an issue as brain cloud, cooties, Steve Blass disease and the diabeetus.

The Great Outdoor Fight (three days, three acres, 3,000 men) arc is Onstad's crowning accomplishment. It's peak Achewood.