
1) It appears to be an open-world survival game, not a prison survival game. Dunno about you, but I’ve never seen a Nazi in the wild.

2) Doesn’t matter what kind of game it is, if you put Nazi or white nationalist imagery in your online video game as accessories people can choose from for their character, large

When WW2 games don’t include Nazi symbols, why would anyone think it’s ok to put them in literally any other game? Either the Gamespires/Croteam creative teams employ actual Nazis, or they’re just incredibly ignorant.

When you sue someone and say they damaged you, they are entitled to request evidence by which those damages can be measured. If the damages are medical in nature, discovery would naturally include medical records. You waive your HIPAA rights when you put your medical condition at issue. (To get more granular about it,

She agreed to let him access the records under a confidentiality agreement, which is usually done so that there are consequences if you breach the confidentiality, like you said. But it appears that he is trying to get out of the agreement, hence the contract attorneys, and it appears that his main argument is that

Anyone else think it’s weird that no one is talking about Haiti?

i miss the old jezebel

So am I supposed to like kesha’s music now? Cause I don't. Her voice annoys me.

It seems like Russell Wilson and J.J. Watt, are neck-and-neck, for the “NFL’s Most Annoying Player”.

“Shitty Riot won’t unban me so no league videos for awhile, if ever again.”

This is a B.S. argument. She had every right to file a lawsuit claiming negligence that didn’t mention race as the reason she was seeking damages. She CHOSE to make the baby’s race the reason she sought damages. She CHOSE to analogize being born bi-racial as equivalent to a birth defect.

That was my thought too. Horrible that she’s using a racist argument, but the sperm bank DID screw up. The Post article explains that were given sperm from the wrong donor because an employee misread the numbers.

Judge Brown, shade right? White and square to the third power.

No that would be RI. We’re more of the Bass Pro Shop of New England.

I heard that about Barack Obama in 2007.

They came from an hour away with a thirst for loafage,

How these stories make me feel:


Wait, what, is that woman - white? If so, that explains why her azz wasn’t shot at once she exited the vehicle.

"Intelligent design," my ass.