
A thoughtful article. But I think you are wrong about America. The terrible history of racism and Jim Crow laws is undeniable. But that has never been what America stood for, nor have the majority of Americans ever been racist. And today, one of the worst insults you can levy against anyone is to call him a racist.

Points 1 and 3 are most certainly lies.

If true, this is terrible. But I am skeptical, because she could easily sue her (former) employer and win over this one. Yet she does not identify the employer.

You need to seriously study history. You would not support Democrats if you did so.

And it exists among people of all races. Mosat of The Root’s columnists are flaming racists.

Jesus was no racist. God loves His children of all colors.

Northram is a Democrat. The KKK was founded by Democrats. Is any of this surprising?

What is racist about the “right”’s position that Warren fraudulently used a claim she was a minority to gain personal advantage?

Trump is right about a lot. Thank him for more jobs and higher wages.

The whole point is that she IS a white person. The claim she is “Indian” was always ludicrous. And even if she had been, so what? Racial identity has nothing to do with job qualifications. Her loony ideas about how to run the country are all that matter.

I don’t put sugar in grits. I prefer horseradish.

Why should I care? I knew Trump was a moral cretin when I voted for him. But his policies are enormously beneficial.

I admire Hardesty. We need more people like her. We don’t need racists such as Lewis and you. And where is the outrage towards liberals who say all white men should be killed? Racism is wrong no matter what group it is directed against.

Fox has more, liberal commentators than ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN combined have conservative commentators. They also have more black commentators than any of those stations. Change your moniker to old ignorant white guy. 

4% “trumps” 2.5% every time. By the way, Trump’s tax cuts INCREASED the share of Federal income tax paid for by the wealthy. He made the tax code MORE PROGRESSIVE. I guess you are just math challenged.

Tom Brokaw is a liberal, which means I usually disagree with him. But in this case, he is right. When people move to a new country, it behooves them to assimilate. Those who do not are generally not very successful. I know a number of Mexican-American business people who agree. And my many contacts from Asia and India

I would take these allegations seriously if you were not the one doing the reporting.

note: DeSantis is a Republican. The racist cops and the kangaroo court were almost certainly Democrat. Throughout history, the Democrats have been the party of slavery racism and Jim Crow. the republicans have authored almost all civil rights legislation. DeSantis is just continuing the Republican tradition of seeking

Another racist diatribe. When will you grow up?

Wishful thinking on your part. But do you really want to go back to the days of lower wages and higher unemployment? That is what Democrat control would mean.