
Some people do not use Facebook or twitter, and do not follow entertainment news. I am one of them. I only heard about this through The Root.

I blame it all on the Democrats. All the leading Democrats were on record supporting the wall before Trump was President. They are only opposing it now because they hate Trump. Not a good enough reason!

A reminder. The Nazis were SOCIALISTS! And much of the Democrat party of today is socialist. And, yes, many are unopposed to violence and censorship of those that disagree with them.

What “changes” do you want? A return to high taxes, high unemployment and lower wages? That is the world of Pelosi. No thanks!

You managed to tell 3 lies in your first paragraph. That trumps Trump.

I agree with the ignorant part. Not sure about the slut part.

Historically, it was the Republicans who championed civil rights for Black Americans, and have authored almost all major civil rights legislation. And Trump has done more for black Americans than any other president since Lincoln. Just fact.

No, it is a good thing.

I would go for Nikki Haley if Trump were not running. Trump will win again if he runs. Economic results matter.

Putin? What a Kool-Aid drinker you are. Trump has been harder on Russia than any other POTUS in modern times. The only Russian collusion was on the HRC team.

She is a liar and an idiot, and her policy ideas have proven harmful to the middle class and minorities. But, by all means let her run. Let the Dem field be as crowded as possible, so they will waste their money and their reputations fighting each other. The carnage will be fun to watch.

This dipshit deserves to be kicked in the teeth. But you exaggerate the power of white privilege. If it really worked, Asian-Americans would not be wealthier on average than white Americans.

You are an idiotic troll.

Bullshit. I know a lot of Trump voters who are black, and white Trump voters who have adopted black kids. The idea that Trump and his voters are all racists is just a fiction created by the left. Do some research instead of parroting the talking points spoon fed to you by liberals.

Also good points. And I think Texas does. I would not be at all surprised if this guy gets the death penalty. And he probably will be caught.

Good point.

Huff post? Some advice: never believe what you read in that rag. I have watched Fox News for years and I have never once heard anyone there advocate for violence against minorities, or any other kind of racism. Bottom line: Huff Post lied.

It is indeed horrific, and the subject should be prosecuted. But Houston is still a far safer city than Chicago.

Hurray for them! If you want to get wasted, that is still OK. But don’t drive under the influence. Even one drink doubles an average man’s reaction time. My rule is I will not drive until two hours have passed after drinking one drink, 4 hours after 2. And I never drink more than 2.

It is not crony capitalism that created this situation.