
Israel is not a colonizer. The Jewish people have lived there for at least 4000 years. And they do not oppress Muslims, Christians or Palestinians. All citizens of Israel can hold jobs, vote, practice their religion freely, etc. they are merely not permitted to kill fellow citizens, Jewish or otherwise.

Maybe you ought to look in a mirror if you want to see a racist.


They don’t hate themselves. They are doing what is best for themselves and the country. It is people like you who just don’t see the facts.

Yeah, that is what you call all black conservatives. I guess you require all black people to think alike.

Read some history. Which party was the party of slavery? Which party passed the Jim Crow laws? Which party opposed the Voting Rights act, which was authored by Republicans? The answer is thew Democrat party, to all of the above. The fact is, the Republican party has done far more for black Americans than any other

well-qualified Obama nominees” is an oxymoron. All Obama judicial nominees were judicial activists, rather than believers in separation of powers as called out in the Constitution. That alone is enough to disqualify them.

Black NRA membership is increasing, however.

He probably should have told the police the address of the man they helped. That having been said, I think he has a case to sue the police for false arrest.

Christy Lopez has it right. I am all in favor of purging bad cops. But I am not in favor of demonizing all cops. We need the job they do, and most of them are good.

You really do believe your own BS, don’t you? The only Russian collusion was between HRC, the DNC and the Russians.


I applaud you for bringing facts into the discussion. That is refreshing.

All people are people of color. It is a useless term.

I admire Ben Carson a lot. But I feel sad for him. I am sure he is trying hard. But he is in the wrong job.

I saw it. It was a great movie.

I won’t buy the hat, but I will be voting for Trump again. The first time, I had some trepidation, because I knew he was a scumbag, but so was HRC. Ands her policy ideas were just awful. So it was the lesser of two evils. Now that I have seen how well his polices have worked out, I will vote for him again, with no

You went to the wrong schools. I went to Catholic parochial school and a Jesuit high school, and I heard about all of these atrocities.

Rest in Peace, Olivia. You are a true heroine.

I gotta say, that comment brands you as a racist pig.