
You don’t know China. I do. They are proud but pragmatic. And we are their best customer. That gives us leverage.

I know it was sarcasm. But ironically, it was true!

How about all the people who lost jobs under Obama? He had about the lowest Labor Participation rate in the last 50 years. Trump has the highest.

I am a Mensa member who voted for him. I am smart enough to know what works and what doesn’t. Progressive, socialist policies have failed wherever they have been tried. And that applies to Chin a as well. They have embraced Capitalism with a vengeance, and their GDP per capita has gone up 10 fold since the days of the

And its black polulation is getting rich at the highest rate in history, all because of Trump’s policies.

Are you really that dumb? Money laundering for the Russians? Trump has been far harder on the Russians than his predecessor. Remember the open mike comments? And it has HRC that colluded with the Russians.

Obama generally took actions that were profoundly and demonstrably harmful to our economy and national security. The facts show that.

Actually, Trump carefully considered his options before taking action. His international policy has been very successful.

Ironically, you have just taken the position that most traditional conservatives take. We favor free trade, and regard tariffs as akin to cutting off your nose to spite your face. That having been said, there are a number of countries that have taken unfair advantage of our free markets. They put high tariffs on our

Actually, that is not a straw man argument. The double standard is real.

Also wrong. The majority of white people have always opposed racism. That is why they fought a very bloody war to end slavery. And white supremacy explains very little. If it were a major force, Asian-Americans would not be at the top of the income heap.

No, you got it wrong, too. You ae describing symptoms and effects of racism, not racism itself. Racism is a belief that a person’s primary attribute is race, and that a person’s value and personality is primarily defined by race. That does not even require hatred. For example, if one thinks Asian people are all smart

Actually, it does require intention. Racism is a belief system that a person’s attributes are defined primarily by race. One cannot have such a belief system unconsciously in this day and age.

“...unofficial wardrobe of the Trump administration—a Ku Klux Klan outfit...”

She did not go far enough. The Democrat Party was founded on racism. They just hide it well, and use minorities to advance their power, all the while keeping them poor and dependent on government.

I am no monster. I supported Trump not because he is a shining example of humanity, but because, whatever his personal moral failings, his policies benefit all Americans, and especially, black Americans. The facts are undeniable. Don’t let your personal hatred of Trump blind you. The reality is, you are better off now

Hillary Clinton was not a viable choice. She is just as execrable as Trump. And her policies were disastrous also.

You got it backwards, though. Trump is not racist, and neither are the vast majority of his supporters. They just want a less intrusive government and a better economy, and they have gotten both with Trump. And the Democrat party is far from free of racism. After all, it is the party of slavery, Jim Crow and economic

It is indeed a terrible loss. And men are supposed to protect women, not harm them.

Yes, it seems racist. But also very, very odd. Gap-toothedness a sign of a master race? Never heard that idea before.