Maybe you ought to read Star Parker’s “Uncle Sam’s Plantation”. You would learn a few things.
Maybe you ought to read Star Parker’s “Uncle Sam’s Plantation”. You would learn a few things.
Obama was most certainly a fascist. Liberals in the USA are consistently in favor of more government control. That is the very definition of fascism.
You can’t have it both ways. If Trump had appointed no black people to his cabinet, you would call him racist. And when he does, you call that person an Uncle Tom or worse. Hypocrite!
Gotta fix your grammar. “Damn” is not an adjective; it is a verb. “damned” is both a verb (past tense) and an adjective.
I am glad they got arrested. But I would also like to see some embers of BLM, New Black Panthers and Antifa get arrested for violence and voter intimidation. Terrorism is terrorism no matter who does it.
You drink too much Kool-Aid. White privilege exists, but as a socioeconomic force, it is a weak one. Otherwise, Asian-Americans would not be on the top of the income heap.
Conservatism has nothing to do with racism. It is a political philosophy rooted in the belief in individual freedom and limited government. And that philosophy works. That is why more black people are becoming conservatives every day. BTW, your use of the term “cracker” betrays you for the racist you are.
Your disclaimer doesn’t fly. When you refer to a group collectively, the presumption is that what you say applies to the entire group. Somehow I don’t think you would give a white writer a pass is he/she said something about “black people”. You would assume the author was applying it to all black people.
This is anecdotal, but my niece received outstanding care when she had her scoliosis corrected. She woke up during the surgery, which created an emergency. The doctors had to calm her down so they could re-start anesthesia. She was in a chest appliance for a month.
I pray that you and your wife have a healthy baby, and that your wife’s labor is without complications. God Bless you!
Of course, your article is basically a lie. Melania did not claim victimhood. She merely noted that many are critical of her, but she will do what is needed regardless. That is not victimhood. That is strength.
Funny. I have never heard anyone at Fox shaming people who use food stamps. They do say there are too many of them. But that is true. In a prosperous economy, fewer people would need them. Food stamp users went up dramatically under Obama. They have gone down dramatically under Trump. The eligibility requirements have…
You really don’t get it. The objections to Cortez are two fold: 1) that she is prodigiously, astoundingly ignorant, and 2) that she favors disastrous ideas that have failed everywhere they have been tried.
Trump’s policies have enormously benefitted black people. It is high time that this truth be acknowledged.
The progressive agenda is harmful to all, but especially to black Americans.
You are completely wrong. Racist whites have always been in the minority. The majority are who decided to fight the Civil war, and great cost to them and their families. It has always been that way.
And yet, to you, I am sure they are still “Beckys”
Guess who adopts most of the abandoned black and mixed race children? White conservatives, that’s who. I know a number of them. They give these kids love and a safe place to live.
No, they “pander” to those of us with enough scientific background to know that a fetus is a living human being.
It is a fact of biology: abortion IS murder, because it directly kills a human being. And it is a form of genocide, as Margaret Sanger wanted it to be. Look it up. I am not defending the tasteless remarks Hyde-Smith said about lynching. She deserves opprobrium for that.