They ought to convert to Republicans. The Democrat Party has long been the party of racism. The Republican party is and has long been the party of civil rights. Don’t be fooled. Remember what LBJ said.
They ought to convert to Republicans. The Democrat Party has long been the party of racism. The Republican party is and has long been the party of civil rights. Don’t be fooled. Remember what LBJ said.
I’mma? That makes no sense.
Yes, she is an a-hole. But when are you going to take measures to curb your own racism?
Are you really saying that how people communicate is determined by their race? How is that compatible with the idea that race does not matter?
Nice try. You are clearly in favor of voter fraud as long as it is committed by Democrats. I want it stopped and prosecuted no matter who does it.
Racism is alive and well on The Root. I don’t think I would see worse in a David Duke newsletter.
No Democrats do not want free and fair elections. They will do everything the can to win, including voter fraud. Broward County is a perfect example.
Sorry, but I believe the Democrat supports corrupt voting practices wherever it goes. In my state, Democrat-controlled voting districts have frequently counted more votes than there are registered voters. Count every vote? No way. I want to see legitimate votes only counted. No votes by dead people. No votes by…
If you believe the negative BS about Kavanaugh, I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Acosta is an ass. He was off topic, and refused to give up the mike when his turn was over. He deserved to be banned. Nationalism does not equate to white nationalism. It is about putting one’s own country first. That is what the POTUS is supposed to do. Yes, Trump is more than a little obnoxious. But his polices are…
You may want to actually watch Carlson. He is passionately against racism and bigotry. The protesters are not only out of line, they are factually wrong.
Can you stop being a racist for one day? And will you learn a little history? The Republican Party is the one that freed the slaves and authored almost all significant civil rights legislation. And its economic policies have resulted in the highest wages and lowest unemployment ever for black Americans. Voting…
Racism is wrong no matter who does it. Crockett is a full blown racist.
This has nothing to do with the MAGA slogan. But I guess I have come to expect lies from you. It’s what you do for a living.
I really can’t trust your reporting on this. I bet you still think Kavanaugh raped women.
The Mueller investigation was based on a false document paid for by the DNC. And it has become clear that two of the ladies who claimed they were raped by Kavanaugh were lying, and they have been referred for criminal prosecution. Ford could not back up her story with any witnesses or any form of corroboration.
This means the middle class tax cut will expire. Expect lower wages and higher unemployment, particularly for minorities.
Dictator? That tag belongs on Democrats, who want to micromanage our lives.
Conservatism has nothing to do with racism. It is about limiting government. That is why there are black conservatives, and there are more of them every day.
It would be really rare to jail someone for a traffic infraction.